
A day of many discoveries for me.

1) I’ve talked to more new people.. the numbers are just increasing since Monday. and there are people who took interest in me, as in..boleh bertegur sapa la..

2) Test was easier than expected and there is a hope that I’ll pass.. oohh.. the assignments have been more than twice as hard..

3) I have my besties who really cares about me. I already know that. But today I find that they somewhat Understand me. They figured the mystery in Me despite the tough and cheerful look that I put on casual terms..

4) I’m a paranoid when it comes to relationship. Too afraid to get hurt again although the hurt might be necessary and it will come. No matter what.

Today N described me as the same as S..

“I am somewhat rational in my thinking and judgment.I may give good advice for relationship although I hardly had any.I’m good in words and an eloquent speaker with broad knowledge(Well, relatively among my peers perhaps) . Yet, deep within I can’t seem to define what’s wrong or what’s lacking in me. Constantly searching, without mouthing a word of worries and keep it all by myself. I may seem to be tough, but my eyes says it all”

Wow. So apt and true.

~ by littlehobbit on April 21, 2010.

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